Click on this link to identify your state senator, email, home address, phone number.
Tell your senator – “I strongly recommend you vote NO on any more education cuts.”
Tell your senator – “I strongly recommend you vote YES on raising revenues by making the richest New Mexicans pay their share of state income taxes. They pay 4.5% taxes. I pay 11% taxes. That’s wrong.”
Tell your senator – “I strongly recommend you vote YES on raising revenues by making Wal Mart, Target, and other out-of-state corporations pay state income taxes on the profits they earn in New Mexico. They pay 0 (zero) taxes. That’s wrong.”
NOTE to APS school employees and their families: If you’re unwilling to contact your senator and communicate these strong recommendations, then you and your family should start planning for a 2% pay cut and layoffs, cause that’s what your senator is talking about voting YES on.
Click on this link to identify your state senator, email, home address, phone number